2024/8/20(二)第1351次例會/主講人:陳柏州 (柏穀德有限公司負責人)/講題:世界三大珍饈-松露,從產地到餐桌

2024/8/20 (二) 第1351次例會
時    間:晚上18:30
地    點:晶華酒店B3宴會廳
講    題:世界三大珍饈-松露,從產地到餐桌






20 August 2024
Rotary Club of Taipei Hua Chung presents you the lecture of Mr. Po Shiu Chen

One of The World's Three Greatest Delicacies - Truffles

Truffles, are the so called diamonds on the dining table. Mr. Po-Shiu Chen, as invited by Rotary Club of Taipei Hua Chung, will introduce one of the world's three greatest delicacies, truffles to us.

We used to only know truffles are luxurious ingredients, and many restaurants feature dishes with truffles involved. But what exactly are truffles? Why are they so valuable?

Mr. Po-Shiu Chen will give us a lecture on the history, growth, and harvesting of truffles, as well as the global distribution of them. Through the simple terms and easily to understand way, we will have an opportunity to understand the reasons why truffles are of so much values.

When truffles are used for the dishes on our dining tables, sometimes they can be quite expensive, but sometimes they seem to be price affordable. Is it because what you are tasting are false truffles? In terms of the truffles you can have in the market, factors from sauces to the truffles themselves, as well as the seasons, preservation methods, and processed products, all contribute to varying costs, which could be reflected on our daily dining tables. Mr. Po-Shiu Chen will dissect the secrets not known to outsiders originally.

In addition, Po-Shiu Chen will provide a selection of distinct truffle sauces for our members and guests to taste and experience the differences among them.

We are all looking forward to it!